Saturday, March 27, 2010

Working from Home: Will it help?

Fed up of a 9 to 5 job? Is the constant honking on the roads and endless commute driving you crazy? If you are considering working from home, take heart, so are many others. But how viable is this option?

The truth is that traffic is only getting worse. You get stuck everywhere and anywhere and at all times. While many of us don't have a choice and have to put up with it, there are a small fraction amongst us who can consider certain options.

Can you work from home?

For young moms and women constantly trying to balance home and office, travelling to and fro between the two can be trying. There are others with health constraints, who need the money but can't put in the long hours and travel of a full-time job. Can they work from home and would that solve their problems? We spoke to four young individuals who took to working at home and got a lowdown on the pros and cons of this choice.

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